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  • This is our family's fifth move over seven years in the military. Despite the military assistance with moving, between uprooting kids and my wife having to hunt for a new job we always end up financially challenged during a move. Getting two cars from one coast to the other is an expensive and stressful undertaking. The assistance provided by Transport for Troops helps to simplify one of the costly moving pieces of the puzzle, and lets all of us travel in the same car for the nearly 3000 mile road trip. Every penny counts with two babies and the money saved on gas and vehicle transport costs means we can comfortably have bottles of milk and lots of spare diapers on this road trip. Thanks for the support, it makes a difference.
  • The year of 2022 could have been better. I turned 22 on the 18th of August. Not even a few days later I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. From there the medical conditions followed. Lip reconstructive surgery, The mental battle began, this is my first time being millions of miles away from battles and family. Not only does this grant help me financially, but honestly it helps me mentally. One of the many things people do not realize is the mental impact PCSing has on you, whether it’s due to finances, children’s well-being, FMP ECT! For me it was having a helping hand with everything being last minute. In the military a lot of things are last minute and after it is all said and done you think about who was there to help you complete and knock out those last minute tasks!

    Not only that without Transport for Troops it would have put me in a real situation financially. I would have either entered into a lease and drove 46 hours or I would had to have sold my car and due to dealerships, I would have to pay an additional lump sum of money out of my pocket while still needing a vehicle.
  • No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another

    -Charles Dickens

    Thank you to Transport for Troops and sponsors who freely and generously gave so our burden of transporting our vehicle could be lightened. Your support not only gave us peace of mind but peace in our hearts. And that peace has proven to be priceless! May God Bless your every effort and endeavor in this much needed marketplace ministry.
  • We are new to the military family. We currently live in Maryland and are doing our first PCS move to Seattle, Washington. We were not prepared for this move and were looking for assistance to transport our vehicle. Transport for Troops has helped us so far in the process of moving our vehicle by allowing us to apply for a fuel card grant. We are excited for our new Journey!
  • Thank you for your kindness. My wife (USAF Veteran) and I only had a few short months to get this trip planned. Between outprocessing from my unit, finding housing in our new location, college, and work, we were stressed out of our minds. Lingering over that was the thought that we either would have to pay out of pocket to ship one of our cars, or make the 26-hour drive with two vehicles through negative degree weather with snow and ice all over the roads. This takes a huge weight off of our shoulders and is immensely appreciated. This charity does good work and I hope it grows in order to help more military members in need in the future. PCSing can be very difficult and costly. It's good to know there are people out there willing to help.
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Transport for Troops
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